अक्षरों का ज्ञान
पाणिनि ने अक्षरों को इस क्रम में बाँधा है-
१.अ इ उ ण् २.ऋ लृ क् ३. ए ओ ड़् ४. ऐ औ च् ५.ह य
व र ट् ६.लञ् ७.ञ म ड़् ण न म् ८. झ भ ञ् ९. घ ड़ ध ष् १०. ज ब ग ढ़ द श् ११. ख फ छ
ठ थ च ट त व् १२.क प य् १३. श ष स र् १४. ह ल्
चौदह सूत्र माहेश्वर सूत्र कहलाए। क्योंकि ये महर्षि पाणिनी को महेश्वर की कृपा से
प्राप्त हुए थे। इनको प्रत्याहार सूत्र भी कहते है। क्योंकि इनके द्वारा बड़ी सरलता
से सूक्ष्म रीति से अक्षरों का बोध हो जाता है। पाणिनी ने इन सूत्रो के आधार पर स्वरों
एवं व्यंजनों को पहचान कर उन्हें अलग- अलग किया। ऊपर के वर्ण हल् है, वे इत् कहलाते
है। जैसे- ण् क् आदि ।
कोई वर्ण लेकर उसके साथ यदि इत् जोड़े तो उस अक्षर
के और उस इत् के बीच के सभी वर्णो का बोध हो जाता है। उन्होंने स्वरों और व्यंजनों
की सहायता से अपने द्वारा निर्मित सूत्र बनाकर शब्दों का निर्माण किया। संस्कृत सभी
भाषाओं की जननी है, उन्होंने सबसे प्रथम संस्कृत व्याकरण की रचना की, फिर व्याकरण की
सहायता से संस्कृत भाषा का निर्माण हुआ।महर्षि पाणिनी व्याकरण के सबसे प्रथम प्रणेता
है सबसे प्रथम संस्कृतभाषा का उद् भव हुआ
,संस्कृत के द्वारा सभी भाषाओं का निर्माण हुआ।हिन्दी, उर्दू, मराठी, बांग्ला, जर्मनी,
लैटिन, तथा अन्य सभी भाषाएँ संस्कृत से ही निकली है। आज संसार में जितनी भी भाषाएँ
बोली या सुनी जाती है। बड़ी सरलता से हम उस भाषा का प्रयोग करते है। इन सबमें पाणिनी
का कितना योगदान रहा है, इस बात का हम अनुमान भी नही लगा सकते।
कितना कठिन और कितना अद् भूत कितना विस्मयकारी काम
उन्होंने सबके लिए किया है।
बजाने पर उन शब्दों को सुनना , डमरु से निकलने पर उन शब्दों को याद रखना , फिर उसमे
से स्वर और व्यंजन को पहचानना।फिर व्यंजन में स्वरों को जोड़कर शब्द का निर्माण करना।
कितना आश्चर्य में डालने वाला काम है।कितने महान थे महर्षि पाणिनी, और कितना महान था
उनका संस्कृत व्याकरण ।
Maharishi Panini has tied the letters in this order-
1.As such as 2.Learn 3 AO D4 A & A. 5th Generation 6. 6.Language No. 8 No. 8 Page 9 Ddx10 H The first is the best and the 12th episode 13. Sh.C. 14 Yes
This fourteen formula is called Maheshwar Sutra. Because these Maharishi Panini were received by Maheshwar's grace. These are also called withdrawal formulas. Because through them it becomes very easy to understand the characters in a subtle way. On the basis of these sources, Panini identified vowels and recipes and separated them. The upper character is the light, they are called it. Such as
If you add a character with it then it becomes an understanding of all the letters between that letter and that person. He created words by formulating his formations with the help of vowels and recipes. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages, she has composed the first Sanskrit grammar, then the Sanskrit language was formed with the help of grammar. Mahishi Panini is the first teacher of Grammar, the first Sanskrit language is the origin of the language, the creation of all languages by Sanskrit Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, German, Latin, and all other languages came from Sanskrit. Languages are spoken or heard today in the world. With simplicity we use that language. We can not even guess how much Panini has contributed to all this.
How dreadful and how much ad demon he has done for all the wonderful work he has done.
Listening to those words when playing a tambourine, remembering those words when going out of Dumur, then recognizing the voice and the consonants from it. Then, create the word by adding vowels in the consonant. It is so surprising to work. How great was Maharishi Panini, and how great was her Sanskrit grammar.
Maharishi Panini has tied the letters in this order-
1.As such as 2.Learn 3 AO D4 A & A. 5th Generation 6. 6.Language No. 8 No. 8 Page 9 Ddx10 H The first is the best and the 12th episode 13. Sh.C. 14 Yes
This fourteen formula is called Maheshwar Sutra. Because these Maharishi Panini were received by Maheshwar's grace. These are also called withdrawal formulas. Because through them it becomes very easy to understand the characters in a subtle way. On the basis of these sources, Panini identified vowels and recipes and separated them. The upper character is the light, they are called it. Such as
If you add a character with it then it becomes an understanding of all the letters between that letter and that person. He created words by formulating his formations with the help of vowels and recipes. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages, she has composed the first Sanskrit grammar, then the Sanskrit language was formed with the help of grammar. Mahishi Panini is the first teacher of Grammar, the first Sanskrit language is the origin of the language, the creation of all languages by Sanskrit Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali, German, Latin, and all other languages came from Sanskrit. Languages are spoken or heard today in the world. With simplicity we use that language. We can not even guess how much Panini has contributed to all this.
How dreadful and how much ad demon he has done for all the wonderful work he has done.
Listening to those words when playing a tambourine, remembering those words when going out of Dumur, then recognizing the voice and the consonants from it. Then, create the word by adding vowels in the consonant. It is so surprising to work. How great was Maharishi Panini, and how great was her Sanskrit grammar.
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